Thursday, March 30, 2023

"Breaking the Mold: How Healthcare Providers in India Are Using Curveball Strategies to Outsmart the Competition"

 Dr Madhav Madhusudan Singh

MBBS, MHA (AIIMS) , MBA (Finance), Ph.D. ( Hosp Mx)



Curveball strategy is a marketing tactic used by companies to fool their competitors into thinking they are pursuing one course of action, while actually doing something else. The goal of this strategy is to throw off competitors and make them uncertain about the company's next move. This technique is named after the curveball pitch in baseball, which is a deceptive pitch that looks like it will follow a certain trajectory but then suddenly changes direction. The Curveball strategy is commonly used in industries where competition is high and the stakes are even higher.

Origin of the Curveball strategy

The origin of the Curveball strategy is unclear, but it is believed to have its roots in military strategy. The idea of deceiving the enemy by making them think you are pursuing one course of action while actually doing something else has been a tactic used in warfare for centuries.

In the business world, the Curveball strategy gained popularity in the 1980s and 1990s, when companies began to realize the importance of strategic planning and gaining a competitive advantage. One of the first documented uses of the Curveball strategy in business was by the technology company Apple in the late 1990s.

At the time, Apple was struggling to compete with its main rival, Microsoft. To gain an edge, Apple launched a series of advertising campaigns that emphasized its focus on design and innovation, while downplaying the importance of compatibility with Microsoft software. This approach was unexpected and caught Microsoft off guard, as they had assumed that Apple would continue to try to compete on Microsoft's terms.

The success of Apple's Curveball strategy led to its widespread adoption by other companies in various industries. Today, the Curveball strategy is a common tactic used by businesses to gain a competitive advantage and outmaneuver their competitors.

Another example of the Curveball strategy in healthcare in India is the use of traditional and alternative medicine. Some hospitals and healthcare providers have started offering Ayurvedic and other traditional medicine treatments alongside conventional medical treatments. This has helped these providers to differentiate themselves from their competitors and appeal to patients who are looking for a more holistic approach to healthcare.



The Curveball strategy offers several advantages to companies looking to outmaneuver their competitors. One of the main advantages is that it allows a company to surprise its competitors by taking a course of action that they did not expect. This surprise factor can be particularly useful in industries where competitors are constantly trying to one-up each other, and where it is difficult to gain a competitive advantage through conventional means. By throwing a curveball, a company can disrupt its competitors' plans and force them to adapt to new circumstances.

Another advantage of the Curveball strategy is that it can create confusion among competitors. When a company pursues a course of action that is unexpected, it can make it difficult for competitors to anticipate the company's next move. This can create uncertainty among competitors and force them to make decisions based on incomplete or inaccurate information.


While the Curveball strategy can be effective, it is not without its drawbacks. One of the main disadvantages is that it can be risky. By pursuing a course of action that is unexpected, a company may be taking a gamble that could backfire. If the strategy fails to produce the desired results, the company may have wasted valuable resources and damaged its reputation.

Another disadvantage of the Curveball strategy is that it can be difficult to execute. In order for the strategy to be successful, a company must be able to deceive its competitors effectively. This requires a high degree of planning and coordination, as well as the ability to maintain secrecy.

Use in Hospital Marketing

The Curveball strategy can be particularly useful in hospital marketing. In this industry, competition can be fierce, and hospitals are constantly looking for ways to differentiate themselves from their competitors. One way to do this is to pursue a course of action that is unexpected.

For example, a hospital might decide to launch a new advertising campaign that emphasizes its commitment to providing affordable care. This might be a departure from the hospital's usual marketing strategy, which might focus on the quality of its medical staff or the state-of-the-art technology it uses.

By taking this approach, the hospital can throw its competitors off balance and create confusion about its next move. It can also position itself as a hospital that is focused on meeting the needs of its patients, which can be a powerful message in an industry that is often criticized for putting profits over people.


The Curveball strategy is a marketing tactic that can be used to fool competitors by pursuing a course of action that is unexpected. While the strategy offers several advantages, it is not without its drawbacks. In order for the strategy to be successful, a company must be able to deceive its competitors effectively, which can be difficult to do. However, in industries where competition is high and the stakes are even higher, the Curveball strategy can be a powerful tool for gaining a competitive advantage. In hospital marketing, the Curveball strategy can be particularly useful, as it can help hospitals differentiate themselves from their competitors and position themselves as patient-focused organizations.


Dr Madhav Madhusudan Singh MBBS, MHA , MBA , Ph.D.


Disclaimer: The views expressed in this text are solely the personal opinions of the author and do not represent the views of any organization or entity with which the author may be affiliated.

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