Friday, March 31, 2023

Improving Hospital Patient Flow Using Operations Research Techniques

 Dr Madhav Madhusudan Singh

MBBS, MHA ( AIIMS) , MBA ( Finance) , PhD


Patient flow management is a critical aspect of hospital operations. A well-managed flow of patients ensures that patients receive timely care, and hospitals maximize their operational efficiency. However, managing patient flow can be a complex task, especially in larger hospitals with multiple departments and a high volume of patients. Operations research (OR) techniques can provide an effective way to analyze and improve patient flow in hospitals. In this essay, we will explore the use of OR techniques to improve patient flow in hospitals.

Understanding Patient Flow:

Before we dive into OR techniques, it is essential to understand the key components of patient flow. A typical patient flow in a hospital starts with the patient arriving at the hospital, followed by the registration process, medical examination, diagnosis, treatment, and discharge. Each of these steps involves multiple sub-processes and interactions with different hospital departments, such as the emergency department, lab, radiology, pharmacy, and others.

The objective of patient flow management is to ensure that patients move efficiently through each step of the process, with minimal waiting times and delays. A well-managed patient flow can have several benefits, such as improved patient satisfaction, reduced waiting times, improved staff morale, and increased operational efficiency.

OR Techniques for Patient Flow Management:

Operations research techniques provide a systematic approach to analyzing complex systems and identifying ways to optimize them. OR techniques can be applied to various aspects of hospital operations, including patient flow management. Some of the OR techniques commonly used for patient flow management are:

  1. Queuing Theory: Queuing theory is a mathematical model that analyzes the behavior of queues or waiting lines. In the context of patient flow management, queuing theory can be used to analyze the waiting times and queue lengths at different stages of the patient flow process. By identifying the factors that contribute to waiting times, hospital managers can take steps to reduce the waiting times and improve patient flow.

For example, queuing theory can be used to analyze the waiting times in the emergency department. By analyzing the arrival rate of patients, the average service time, and the number of servers (i.e., medical staff), hospital managers can identify the optimal number of servers needed to ensure that patients receive timely care.

  1. Simulation Modeling: Simulation modeling is a computer-based technique that allows hospital managers to simulate the patient flow process and analyze the impact of different scenarios on patient flow. Simulation modeling can be used to test different process designs, staffing levels, and resource allocations to identify the optimal configuration for patient flow management.

For example, simulation modeling can be used to test the impact of adding more medical staff in the emergency department. By simulating the patient flow process with different staffing levels, hospital managers can identify the staffing level that provides the best patient flow outcomes.

  1. Linear Programming: Linear programming is a mathematical optimization technique that can be used to allocate resources efficiently. In the context of patient flow management, linear programming can be used to optimize resource allocation, such as the allocation of medical staff, equipment, and supplies, to ensure that patients receive timely care.

For example, linear programming can be used to allocate medical staff to different departments based on patient demand and staff availability. By optimizing the allocation of medical staff, hospitals can ensure that patients receive timely care, and staff are utilized efficiently.

  1. Lean Six Sigma: Lean Six Sigma is a process improvement methodology that combines lean principles and Six Sigma tools. Lean principles focus on reducing waste and increasing efficiency, while Six Sigma tools focus on reducing variation and improving quality. In the context of patient flow management, Lean Six Sigma can be used to identify and eliminate waste and reduce process variability to improve patient flow.

For example, Lean Six Sigma can be used to identify and eliminate bottlenecks in the patient flow process, such as delays in lab test results or delays in transferring patients between departments. By eliminating bottleneck

For a ease , I am taking one method of OR Techniques for Patient Flow Management . Others will be discussed in next blog .

Queuing theory & its applications

Queuing theory is a mathematical model that provides a systematic approach to analyzing the behavior of waiting lines or queues. In the context of hospital patient flow management, queuing theory can be used to analyze waiting times and queue lengths at different stages of the patient flow process. This can help hospital managers identify factors that contribute to waiting times and take steps to reduce them, thereby improving patient flow.

The steps involved in using queuing theory for patient flow management are:

Step 1: Define the System:

The first step in using queuing theory for patient flow management is to define the system under consideration. This involves identifying the different stages of the patient flow process and the queues or waiting lines that form at each stage. For example, the patient flow process may involve the following stages: registration, medical examination, diagnosis, treatment, and discharge. Waiting lines may form at each of these stages, with patients waiting to be registered, waiting for medical examination, waiting for test results, waiting for treatment, and waiting to be discharged.

Step 2: Identify Arrival and Service Patterns:

The second step is to identify the arrival pattern of patients and the service pattern at each stage of the patient flow process. The arrival pattern refers to the rate at which patients arrive at each stage, while the service pattern refers to the rate at which patients are served at each stage. The arrival pattern and service pattern can be expressed mathematically using probability distributions, such as the Poisson distribution and the exponential distribution.

For example, the arrival pattern at the registration stage may follow a Poisson distribution, while the service pattern at the medical examination stage may follow an exponential distribution. By analyzing the arrival and service patterns, hospital managers can identify the factors that contribute to waiting times and take steps to reduce them.

Step 3: Calculate Queue Characteristics:

The third step is to calculate queue characteristics, such as queue length, waiting time, and utilization rate. Queue length refers to the number of patients waiting in a queue, while waiting time refers to the time that patients spend waiting in a queue. Utilization rate refers to the percentage of time that servers, such as medical staff, are busy serving patients.

Queue characteristics can be calculated using queuing formulas, such as Little's Law, which relates queue length to waiting time and arrival rate. By calculating queue characteristics, hospital managers can identify the optimal number of servers needed to ensure that patients receive timely care.

Step 4: Optimize Resource Allocation:

The fourth step is to optimize resource allocation, such as the allocation of medical staff, equipment, and supplies, to ensure that patients receive timely care. This can be done using optimization techniques, such as linear programming and simulation modeling.

For example, linear programming can be used to allocate medical staff to different departments based on patient demand and staff availability. By optimizing the allocation of medical staff, hospitals can ensure that patients receive timely care, and staff are utilized efficiently. Simulation modeling can be used to test different staffing levels and resource allocations to identify the optimal configuration for patient flow management.

Step 5: Monitor and Evaluate Performance :

The final step is to monitor and evaluate the performance of the patient flow process continuously. This involves tracking queue characteristics, such as waiting times and queue lengths, and identifying areas for improvement. By monitoring performance and making continuous improvements, hospitals can ensure that patients receive timely care and that the patient flow process is optimized.

Example of Queuing Theory for Patient Flow Management:

Let us consider an example of a hospital emergency department (ED) that experiences high patient volumes and long waiting times.

The ED has four medical staff members who are responsible for examining and treating patients. Patients arrive at the ED according to a Poisson distribution, with an average of 10 patients per hour. The service time for each patient follows an exponential distribution, with a mean service time of 12 minutes.

Step 1: Define the System:

The first step in using queuing theory for patient flow management is to define the system under consideration. In this case, we are analyzing the patient flow process in the ED of a hospital. The patient flow process involves the following stages:

1.       Registration

2.       Medical Examination

3.       Diagnosis

4.       Treatment

5.       Discharge

Waiting lines may form at each of these stages, with patients waiting to be registered, waiting for medical examination, waiting for test results, waiting for treatment, and waiting to be discharged.

Step 2: Identify Arrival and Service Patterns :

The second step is to identify the arrival pattern of patients and the service pattern at each stage of the patient flow process. In this case, patients arrive at the ED according to a Poisson distribution, with an average of 10 patients per hour. The service time for each patient follows an exponential distribution, with a mean service time of 12 minutes.

Step 3: Calculate Queue Characteristics :

The third step is to calculate queue characteristics, such as queue length, waiting time, and utilization rate. Queue length refers to the number of patients waiting in a queue, while waiting time refers to the time that patients spend waiting in a queue. Utilization rate refers to the percentage of time that servers, such as medical staff, are busy serving patients.

The queue characteristics can be calculated using queuing formulas, such as Little's Law, which relates queue length to waiting time and arrival rate. The utilization rate can be calculated as the service time divided by the sum of the service time and waiting time.

               To calculate the queue characteristics, we can use the following queuing formulas:

·         Arrival rate (λ) = 10 patients per hour

·         Service rate (µ) = 1/12 patients per minute

·         Utilization rate (ρ) = λ/µ = 10/1/12 = 120%

·         Average number of patients in the system (L) = λ/(µ - λ) = 10/(1/12 - 10) = 120 patients

·         Average waiting time in the queue (W) = L/λ = 120/10 = 12 minutes

·         Average time in the system (Wq) = W + 1/µ = 12 + 12 = 24 minutes

Based on these calculations, we can see that the ED is operating at a high utilization rate of 120%, which means that the four medical staff members are working at full capacity. The average waiting time in the queue is 12 minutes, which is relatively high, and the average time in the system, including service time and waiting time, is 24 minutes.

Step 4: Optimize Resource Allocation :

The fourth step in using queuing theory for patient flow management is to optimize resource allocation. This involves determining the optimal number of medical staff members, equipment, and supplies to ensure that patients receive timely care.

In the example of the hospital ED, one option to reduce waiting times would be to add more medical staff members to the ED. To determine the optimal number of medical staff members, we can use linear programming to minimize the total waiting time in the queue, subject to the constraint that the utilization rate does not exceed 100%.

Assuming that the cost of hiring an additional medical staff member is $60 per hour, and the cost of a patient waiting in the queue is $1 per minute, the objective function can be expressed as:

Minimize Total Waiting Time = 1/λ x (Cost of Waiting Time + Cost of Staff) x L + (Cost of Staff) x N

Subject to the following constraints:

Utilization Rate (ρ) ≤ 1 Number of Staff (N) ≥ 4

Where: λ = Arrival rate of patients L = Average number of patients in the system N = Number of medical staff members

By solving this linear programming problem, we can determine the optimal number of medical staff members required to minimize waiting times in the ED. For example, if we assume that the cost of a patient waiting in the queue is $1 per minute, and the cost of hiring an additional medical staff member is $60 per hour, the optimal number of staff members required to minimize waiting times would be:

N = 5

This would result in a utilization rate of 83.3%, an average waiting time of 1.44 minutes, and an average time in the system of 3.44 minutes.

Step 5: Evaluate Performance :

The fifth step in using queuing theory for patient flow management is to evaluate performance. This involves measuring the actual waiting times, queue lengths, and other queue characteristics, and comparing them to the predicted values. Any discrepancies between the predicted and actual values can be used to identify areas for improvement.

In the example of the hospital ED, we can measure the actual waiting times, queue lengths, and other queue characteristics, and compare them to the predicted values. If there are any discrepancies between the predicted and actual values, we can investigate the causes and implement appropriate corrective actions.

For example, if the actual waiting times are longer than the predicted values, we may need to hire additional medical staff members, improve patient flow processes, or streamline administrative tasks. Conversely, if the actual waiting times are shorter than the predicted values, we may be over-staffed and could consider reducing staff levels.

Step 6: Continuous Improvement :

The final step in using queuing theory for patient flow management is continuous improvement. This involves monitoring performance over time, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing corrective actions to achieve better results.

In the example of the hospital ED, we can continuously monitor performance over time, identify areas for improvement, and implement corrective actions to reduce waiting times, improve patient satisfaction, and increase efficiency. We can also use simulation modeling to test different scenarios and identify the optimal resource allocation strategies.

For example, we may conduct simulations to determine the impact of adding more medical staff members, implementing a triage system, or improving patient flow processes. By testing different scenarios, we can identify the most effective strategies for improving patient flow and reducing waiting times.


Queuing theory is a powerful tool for managing patient flow in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. By using queuing theory, healthcare managers can better understand the patient flow process, optimize resource allocation, and continuously improve performance. This can result in shorter waiting times, higher patient satisfaction, and more efficient use of resources.


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