Saturday, April 1, 2023

How to develop a patient-centric healthcare organization , a hospital administrator perspective ?

 Dr   Madhav Madhusudan singh 

A patient-centric healthcare organization is an organization that focuses on providing patient-centered care. In such an organization, patients are the center of all decisions, and their needs and preferences are considered before any other factor. As an administrator, it is crucial to develop a patient-centric perspective, as it helps in improving patient outcomes, reducing healthcare costs, and enhancing patient satisfaction. In this article, we will discuss the steps that an administrator can take to develop a patient-centric healthcare organization perspective.

  1. Understand the Importance of Patient-Centered Care: The first step in developing a patient-centric healthcare organization perspective is to understand the importance of patient-centered care. As an administrator, you should know that patients are the most important stakeholders in healthcare, and their satisfaction and well-being should be the primary focus of any healthcare organization. Patient-centered care can lead to better patient outcomes, increased patient satisfaction, and reduced healthcare costs.
  1. Empower Patients: To develop a patient-centric healthcare organization perspective, you need to empower patients. This can be achieved by involving them in the decision-making process and giving them a voice in their care. You can achieve this by providing patients with education, tools, and resources to help them make informed decisions about their health. This could include providing patients with access to their medical records, allowing them to schedule appointments online, and giving them access to health education materials.
  1. Provide Personalized Care: Patients have different needs and preferences, and as an administrator, it is crucial to provide personalized care. You can achieve this by tailoring your services to meet the unique needs of each patient. This could include providing customized treatment plans, considering the patient's cultural and linguistic needs, and providing care that is sensitive to the patient's religious beliefs.
  1. Create a Patient-Focused Culture:  Creating a patient-focused culture is essential in developing a patient-centric healthcare organization perspective. You can achieve this by involving your staff in the process of developing patient-centered care. This could include providing your staff with training on patient-centered care, encouraging open communication between staff and patients, and providing incentives for staff who provide excellent patient-centered care.

  1. Utilize Technology: Technology can play a vital role in developing a patient-centric healthcare organization perspective. You can use technology to improve communication between patients and healthcare providers, provide patients with online access to their medical records, and improve patient outcomes by providing real-time data to healthcare providers. You can also use technology to streamline administrative processes, reduce wait times, and improve patient satisfaction.
  1. Measure Patient Outcomes: To develop a patient-centric healthcare organization perspective, it is crucial to measure patient outcomes. This could include measuring patient satisfaction, patient experience, and patient outcomes. Measuring patient outcomes will help you identify areas where you need to improve, and it will help you evaluate the effectiveness of your patient-centered care initiatives.
  1. Collaborate with Patients:  Collaboration with patients is essential in developing a patient-centric healthcare organization perspective. You can achieve this by involving patients in the design and implementation of patient-centered care initiatives. This could include forming patient advisory groups, providing patients with opportunities to provide feedback on their care, and involving patients in quality improvement initiatives.


Developing a patient-centric healthcare organization perspective is crucial for improving patient outcomes, reducing healthcare costs, and enhancing patient satisfaction. As an administrator, you can achieve this by understanding the importance of patient-centered care, empowering patients, providing personalized care, creating a patient-focused culture, utilizing technology, measuring patient outcomes, and collaborating with patients. By implementing these steps, you can develop a patient-centric healthcare organization that provides high-quality care and improves the overall health and well-being of your patients.

Dr Madhav M Singh MBBS , MHA , MBA , PhD

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